At 69, Kevin Costner gets re-do to “look younger” after shock divorce, claims insider

Following a divorce, it’s common for one or both parties to make changes. Perhaps some new clothes? A brand-new vehicle? Perhaps a new hairstyle, a new career, or a new social circle to go out and drink with?

My argument is that, after going through something as life-altering and, typically, traumatizing as a formal separation from someone you thought you would be in love with forever, it’s only normal to make changes to your daily life.

It appears that even celebrities can undergo post-divorce makeovers. As it happens, if Radar Online is to be believed, Kevin Costner is currently in the middle of one.

The short version of Costner’s love life and how it unfolded in 2023—which our coverage of it has been extensive—is that the Dances With Wolves star and Christine Baumgartner parted ways last year after 19 years of marriage.

According to all reports, Costner was taken aback by his ex-wife’s decision, while Christine was the one who started the divorce process. After an inevitable court struggle, Baumgartner received an order for Costner to pay $63,209 in child support each month.

Although it might seem like a lot, it is far less than the $161,592 that Christine was reportedly looking for.

A few months later, the 69-year-old Costner was the focus of several rumors that connected him to different women. I suppose this is to be anticipated, given the day his divorce was finalized, he became become one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors.

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