Couple found something that they thought was a common stone – at closer look, they realized its true value

“Ambergris is formed within the digestive system of sperm whales when they ingest sharp objects like squid beaks, which are their typical food. The whale’s intestines secrete a sticky substance to encapsulate these foreign objects, preventing harm to the intestinal lining. Over time, these aggregated remnants solidify into lumps of varying sizes, eventually being expelled through feces or regurgitation. Exposure to sunlight and seawater transforms this mixture into a hardened substance with a distinctive aromatic scent,” experts explain.

The piece of Ambergris they came across had a waxy texture and a very pungent odor. Gary described the scent as that of fish and natural fertilizers. However unattractive it looked, the substance had immense value.

The amount they found weighed one-and-a-half kilograms, and they found out that it was valued at a price of $70,000! The possession of Ambergris, however, is illegal in some countries because it is often associated with the illegal practice of whaling.


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