APFEL ZIMT NUSS KUCHEN Zutaten 180 g Butter, weich 180 g Zucker 3 Ei(er) 180 g Mehl 1/2 Pck. Backpulver 1 EL Zimt 80 g Walnüsse, Haselnüsse oder Mandeln,…[...]
APFEL ZIMT NUSS KUCHEN Zutaten 180 g Butter, weich 180 g Zucker 3 Ei(er) 180 g Mehl 1/2 Pck. Backpulver 1 EL Zimt 80 g Walnüsse, Haselnüsse oder Mandeln,…[...]
Frikadellen aus dem Ofen, fast ohne Fett! Zutaten 750 g Hackfleisch, Rind oder Lamm 1 großes Ei 2 – 3 EL Ketchup (Curry- oder Tomatenketchup) 3 – 4 EL…[...]
The plant mentioned in biblical texts, renowned for its reputed healing properties across various ailments, emerges as a potent addition to one’s dietary regimen. Black cumin seeds, identified as this…[...]
While black cumin oil is a common usage, the seeds can also elevate various culinary creations, from rice-based dishes to pastries and Mediterranean cheeses. Its therapeutic potential shines in autoimmune…[...]
Every now and then, it's just wonderful to shake things up a bit when it comes to family dinners. If you're looking to add a little pizzazz to your table,…[...]
Ingredients - 4 large eggs - 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese - 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese - 1 cup all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking powder -…[...]
Oh, let me tell you about this heartwarming dish that’s found its way to our family gatherings and nestled there ever-so comfortably: Slow Cooker Warm Feta Cheese Dip. This beloved…[...]
Ingredients - 8 ounces of feta cheese, crumbled - 1 cup of sour cream - 1 cup of cream cheese, softened - 1/4 cup of mayonnaise - 2 cloves…[...]
On chilly evenings in our little corner of the world, there's just about nothing more comforting than the aroma of a tender pork roast slow cooking as it fills the…[...]
Ingredients - 1 (3 to 4-pound) boneless pork roast (shoulder or loin) - 2 onions, peeled and quartered - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth…[...]