My hubby cracks eggs on the bowl’s edge, like his grandma. I’m concerned about shell fragments and thinks it’s bad to crack eggs that way. Who’s right?

Eggs are a staple in many kitchens and can be prepared in countless ways, but before they reach the pan, they need to be cracked open. This seemingly simple task can be done in various manners, and often, the method used stems from habits formed over generations. There’s a bit of debate in the culinary world about the best technique to crack an egg: Should one do it on a flat surface or on the edge of a bowl?
The answer isn’t just a matter of tradition—it can affect the quality of your cooking and even food safety. In this discussion, we’ll examine the practice of cracking eggs on a bowl’s edge, as employed by your husband like his grandmother, against the concerns it raises regarding shell fragments, and we’ll try to determine who’s in the right.

Cracking Eggs: The Edge-of-the-Bowl Method
This method involves tapping the egg on the rim of a bowl to create a fracture in the shell, then pulling the two halves apart to release the egg. Proponents of this technique might argue that it’s quick and convenient, or simply the way it’s always been done in their family. Here are some considerations on this method:

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