Vinegar is the trick to softer towels, whiter whites, and better-smelling clothes

Vinegar is one of the most versatile and effective cleaning products, in addition to being completely natural and without side effects on our health. Few people know, however, that it is also effective for doing laundry, as it is capable of eliminating bad odors and stains .


Vinegar has antibacterial properties and is an excellent disinfectant, so it can be used to get rid of stains caused by bacteria. It also has very effective whitening properties on light colored clothing such as towels and underwear.

Being natural, safe and ecological, vinegar is an excellent alternative to chemical products for laundry: below we explain how to use it to take advantage of all its wonderful qualities.

1. Vinegar for washing clothes and eliminating bad odors
If you want to use vinegar to wash your laundry , be sure to dilute it in a little warm water before using it. The combination of vinegar and water has disinfectant and whitening properties. You can add a few drops of lemon or lavender essential oil for even more fragrant wipes.

You can also use vinegar to remove odors from towels . Pour a glass of vinegar into half a liter of water, add 20 drops of lavender essential oil and dip the towel in it. Finally scrub well and rinse. Alternatively, you can wash the towels directly in the washing machine by adding 2 cups of vinegar and using hot water.

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