Holy moly! Saw this online and knew I had to make it. Changed a few things and this recipe really worked

Embark on a culinary adventure with this delightful Smothered Cheesy Sour Cream Chicken Recipe. Elevate your dining experience with a dish that brings together succulent chicken breasts, rich Parmesan and mozzarella cheese, and a heavenly sour cream mixture. This article will guide you through each step, ensuring a flavorful outcome.

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts 4
Grated Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup
Mozzarella cheese slices 4 slices
Sour cream 1 cup
Cornstarch 1 tablespoon
Dried oregano 1 teaspoon
Garlic powder 1 teaspoon
Salt To taste
Pepper To taste

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